Wednesday, April 22, 2009

upcoming toys, wish list soon to be fulfilled

Yeah!!!! I finally made a decision and bought Photshop Elements for my Mac, am ordering the Essentials 2 soon, and am hoping for a small MacBook laptop by the time our 32nd anniversary comes around, July 30.
It is unfortunate for me I am unable to take a class I wanted to at this time, due to my schedule, but I do look forward to three I signed up for via Seattle Audubon, classes and field trips are during the week. Two are on habitat, and one is Birding by ear, which I need to brush up on, although I am helping with the TCC bird watching class at the end of May, with my assistance being on the birding by ear portion. Glad it is a beginner course!
I have several trips lined up, one of which is back to Okanogan area, either the first weekend in May (I have to head out on Saturday afternoon, due to my schedule). If the weather is great on the coast I shall head there instead, and save Okanogan for Mid May. I am also wanting to spend some time in what looks to be a great migrant trap near Ephrata, which is why the trip East is so tempting. But I only have a couple of days for that trip.
I am no longer working on lists of birds, just photos. But I love it. Of course I shall keep track of what I do see, but hope to get photos of them at the same time!

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